28 Jul
Discovering the Settlements of Primitive Men in the Khorramabad

Discovering the Settlements of Primitive Men in the Khorramabad Valley About the History and History of Humans' Accommodation in different parts of Iran What have we not said before ?! Everyone knows that a country called Iran is one of the centers of culture and civilization all over the world, and most of its origins originate from the world. The world's first aqueducts, the first architectural styles, or even the first human settlements! Yes, right, the first human settlements in Iran have existed. The case is that it has not been long since discovered one of the smart human settlements in the Khoramabad valley in the province of Lorestan, which has the most genetically inherited genetic codes for humans. Discovering the settlements of the early humans in the Khorramabad valley and in the south of the country is to tell us a fascinating story of how to form the foundations of civilization, and we are narrators in this narrative. Iran tour operator

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