13 Aug

Temporarily: It distinguishes tourism activities in the short, medium and long term.

 Spatially: It divides tourism into tourism activities in the proximity, middle and outside or distant areas.

Nationality: Tourists are divided into two groups: foreign and international tourists and domestic tourists.

o In terms of travel motivation: tourism is separated by recreational, recreational, therapeutic, pilgrimage, cultural, economic, sports, etc. motivations.

o In terms of tourism season: It classifies tourism according to different seasons of the year. In this classification the two seasons of summer and winter are of high importance compared to spring and autumn seasons.

o In terms of form and organization of travel: such as solo, group, family, etc., which determine the composition of tourism.

In terms of type and place of residence: It classifies tourists according to type and place of residence, qualitatively and quantitatively. Like tourists staying in hotels, guesthouses, villas or boarding houses, camping, etc.

Iran Health tourism: traveling to health villages without physician intervention. Usually to avoid congestion or to relieve stress and even to use more sunlight.

o Therapeutic tourism: the use of mineral water, salt, natural sludge, sun-drenched areas under medical supervision and intervention.

travel to Iran

o Agricultural tourism: includes visits to farms and agricultural lands that somehow support the domestic agricultural economy.

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